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Senan Group LTD (formerly SenanGroup Liberia)
Senan Group LTD (formerly SenanGroup Liberia)
Introduction: Groundwater exploration is the investigation of underground formations to understand the hydrologic cycle, know the groundwater quality, and identify the nature, number, and type of aquifers. A surface geophysical method is one of the groundwater investigation methods.

The use of geophysics for both groundwater resource mapping and water quality evaluations has increased over the years in large part due to the rapid advances in microprocessors and associated numerical modeling solutions.

Procedure: To locate groundwater accurately and to determine the depth of water several techniques must be used. As a first step geologic maps and cross sections showing the distribution and positions of the different kinds of rocks, both on the surface and underground are reviewed.

Types of Geotechnical Survey:

  • Electrical Resistivity Survey
  • Seismic Survey
  • Seismic-electric Survey
  • Ground Penetrating Radar


  • To investigate the aquifer characteristics, thickness, layer-wise soil type, groundwater quality (by conductivity value), and water table depth using the Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) resistivity survey technique.
  • To determine the geoelectric and hydrogeologic characteristics of the aquifer present in the study area.
  • Detecting and mapping water-saturated layers in various types of shallow as well as deep aquifers.

Senan Resources

Senan has a wide range of VES tools and equipment including GER Detect for Ground Water Detector, to carry out the groundwater survey. We have a qualified team, and a great resource to carry out successful geological surveys for all our clients.

Let us know how we can be of service to you today. Send us a message.